17th Edition

In our times “Food Security and Safety”, alike ongoing global climate change, is one of the biggest challenges to human survival: without access to safe, nutritious and healthy food in adequate amounts, the progress of mankind is threatened.

The concept of Food Security, recognized by FAO, is complex and multifactorial. It not only comprises the physical, social and economic access to food, by everyone at any time in sufficient amounts, but also the safety and nutrient suitability regarded as necessary for a healthy and active life. Participation in this scenario requires a multidisciplinary approach, based on scientific, technic and legal frameworks applicable to the production, transformation and distribution of food, in order to protect the interests of consumers and the Public Health.


Three different paths, one common satisfaction... the FMV's Master in Food Safety

" is important for us to gain some training in terms of production efficiency, all the standards inherent to the production processes and also a little bit of risk analysis and continuous improvement of the processes, that is why I enrolled in this master's degree....

...If you want to be a reference technician in the food area, then do your course at FMV".

"... right when I was doing my degree I started to get interested in areas like food technology and food safety. When I went to choose a Master's degree, some Professors advised me to look at the Master's degree from FMV and since the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine is a prestigious faculty, I looked into it and it seemed like a good choice."

"...if you want a good Master's degree in the area of Food Quality and Safety and where you will feel very integrated and you will be constantly learning, choose FMV."

"If you want to learn more about Food Safety, contact with realities of very important and very significant companies in our country, have a great spirit of fellowship and gain a fantastic curriculum, come and do a Master in Food Safety at FMV."


Merit AwardIn addition to the numerous reference partnerships created within the curriculum, the FMV's MSA stimulates its potential by anticipating future editions, thus instituting the Merit Award of the Master in Food Safety as a differentiating and motivational element and, above all, as a recognition of the merit of its students.

The award is intended for all students enrolled and registered in the MSA.

The value of the prize is equal to the annual tuition fee set for this study cycle. In other words, by maintaining the highest requirements, it is possible to do one year of the Master's Degree free of charge!

Come and study with us.

The Master's Degree course in Food Safety (MSA) aims to guarantee high level training in the agro-food area, based on technical knowledge and supported by scientific research, innovation and development. Thus, it is intended that MSA students acquire the following skills:


To perform activities in the area of food quality, with special emphasis on food safety;


Integrating multidisciplinary professional teams;


Communicating with technicians and employees in the food sector with different backgrounds and levels of knowledge;


To understand and critically analyse factors linked to the production and processing of foodstuffs which influence their health safety and quality;


Plan, implement and validate proactive food safety systems;


Apply technological and management options and restrictions to achieve certain quality levels defined by food-producing organisations;


To identify, critically analyse and evaluate safety and quality issues in a food producing organisation taking into consideration legal, national and EU requirements;


To evaluate and improve quality control and safety processes by integrating environmental management aspects.

Partnership APCER

With this partnership, the Master in Food Safety (MSA) reinforces, once again, the commitment to constant improvement towards all students and assumes greater responsibility and trust in society.

By continuously complying with the highest quality requirements, in order to ensure the constant improvement of the teaching provided with great practical application in the working world of Agro-industry, it is considered important to provide tools of great value, so the possibility for students to be able to add to the Master's degree in Food Safety the certification of internal auditors for the Quality Management Systems ISO 9001:2015 and Food Safety ISO22000:2018 increases their range of skills, with greater assurance of employment.

In our Master the skills go from the farm to the plate always meeting the expectations of consumers as designated in the Quality Management Systems and Food Safety:


Sistema de Gestão da Qualidade
(Quality Management System)

- Organisation Performance;
- Ability to consistently deliver products and services that meet both customer requirements and applicable statutory and regulatory requirements;
- Increased confidence in the processes of conception, planning, production of the product and/or supply of the service;
- Greater brand awareness and improved image with the market and society in general.


Sistema de Gestão da
Segurança dos Alimentos

(Food Safety Management System)

- The definition of generic requirements of the standard, which allows flexibility in the methodologies to be implemented;
- Optimisation of resource management and improved efficiency in the production of safe food;
- The increase in confidence of clients and consumers, through the adoption of high standards of food conformity.

MSA students as Certified Auditors

With the partnership of APCER and the respective recognition of the quality of teaching of the FMV-ULisboa Master in Food Safety, our students, during the curricular phase, acquire the necessary skills to apply for certification as Internal Auditors for the references ISO9001:2015 and ISO22000:2018.

Partner Institutions

In order to give you the best accompaniment and know-how, we work with the best partners.
This way we raise our level and yours to the highest quality standards so that, when the time comes to apply your knowledge, you can do it properly aware and trained.

Study Plan



Biosafety, Hygiene and Sanitary Certification

Applied Statistics

Microbiology, Toxinfections and Food Toxicology

Food Primary Production

Food Chemistry and Biochemistry

Sustainability and Environmental Management

Food Technology


Quality Control and Consumer Rights and Obligations

Epidemiology and Risk Analysis Applied to Food Safety

Food and Process Innovation and Development

Proactive Food Safety Methods and Normative Standards

Nutrition and New Concepts in Food

Food Safety in Restaurants


Communication in Science [3rd Sem].

Curricular Internship and Dissertation

Unidades Curriculares Opcionais

Internal Audit
Complementary Food Analysis
Biofilms in the Food Industry
Official Food Chain Control
Pest Control
Rapid Diagnosis Methods in Food Safety
Regulations Applied to the Agrifood Sector
Food labelling
Food Safety in the European Union
Food supplements
Valorisation and Differentiation of Animal Products 


MSA 24/26 (17th Edition)

Applications period:
15 JAN - 30 APR'24  

(For National, Community and International Students)

Applications period:
01 MAI - 15 JUL'24

(Exclusively for National and EU students)

Application DEADLINES

15 JAN a 30 APR'24

Select according to your current situation:

- I already have a local FenixEdu account at FMV or EDU@ULisboa account
- Access recovery:
     FenixEdu of FMV (candidates not admitted before with local accounts)
     EDU@ULisboa (FMV student or alumni)



The MSA course has a duration of 4 semesters (2 years), comprising a total of 120 European transfer credits (ECTS), consisting of a curricular part with 61 ECTS and a dissertation with 59 ECTS.


The curricular part (1st year) will take place on Thursdays and Fridays between 6pm and 10pm and on Saturdays between 9am and 1pm.


Between 15 (min.) and 40 (máx.)

Student Fees

National or equivalent: 1.250 € *
International: 2.500 €*

* in 10 instalments

To apply you need to know...

Master Contacts
Mon - Fri | 09 am - 03 pm

MSA Secretariat




We are linked to all areas on an ongoing basis with participation in all these Masters: 

Masters Zootechnical Engineering
Master in Microbiology